Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Machine Era

Last week I watched a video about how society is going through "the new machine age."

( Andrew McAfee foresees the day when almost all jobs of manual labor and toil will be obsolete due to machines and robots. But he told us not to fear because we have adapted before and we shall adapt again. He wants us to embrace the change in technology and find a way save the blue collared man by creating new and different jobs for him. We will have to change society to do so.

After reading this speech I was told to brainstorm for a couple different speeches. I thought I could deal with how education reform would help transition the blue collared worker and overall make Americans better students. Then I decided to do two other on the positives and negatives a technology specifically social media because I believe it effects everyone. I wanted to analyze how social media is reducing social interaction and causes emotional issues. Then I decided on another that talks about the positives that social networking has not just on us but others and the society. I am really proud of all these ideas because I spent a lot of time cultivating each one. The speech was hard to draw upon for my own speech because I can't talk about the up and coming technology that will change the world because I don't know anything about it. I thought these topics were relateable to people and in a way related to the TED speech.

1. Specific Purpose Statement : At the end of my speech, the audience will be able to name three downsides to social media and the effects on social interaction.
Central Idea: In today's modern world people can interact with people that never had the ability to before, but what are the social and emotional side effects to "living online."
Main Ideas:
            I. People are losing personal skills, verbal communication, and how to act in social situations.
            II. Online social media can lower self-esteem due to the need for social gratification and can lead to social isolation.
            III. Social networking facilitates cyberbullying that leads to suicide and depression.
            IV. Social media pressures people to be perfect and "out-do" one another online by the amount of friends, posts, and pictures posted otherwise people are considered outcast if not "connected."

2. Specific Purpose Statement: At the end of my speech, the audience will learn about three ways to reform the educational system to better prepare for the "New Machine Age."
Central Idea: The education system is not adaptive or teaching children to think critically or creatively and giving them opportunities to succeed in the workforce.
Main Ideas:
            I. Standardized Testing and Material does not allow for teachers to focus on academia and creative and critical thinking.
            II. Schools for the gifted are important to challenge good students.
           III. Trade schools should be more available for students in high school who are from low income families.

3. Specific Purpose Statement: After the end of my speech, the audience will be able to discuss three reasons why social media is beneficial, opportunistic, and connects us to society.  
Central Idea: In a world where technology is constantly expanding, we have have opportunities to create business, meet new people, and make change using social networking.
Main Ideas:
           I. Social Networking has created thousands of jobs, and created more opportunities for businesses.
           II. Social Networking empowers individuals and organizations to make social change.
           III. Social Networking offers platforms for collaboration in education, music, and technology. 


1. I really like my second purpose statement because it relates a little more to what the TED speech I chose. In the TED speech he talked about changing society to help the blue collar worker. I think public education is not adapting to the change in times and is creating problems in our economy. But in this purpose, I am not sure if my main ideas are too broad. The speech I would most enjoy presenting is the third one because I would love to talk about how social networking technology is beneficial to society.
2. My parents are both involved in education as teachers and administrators. I know many things about these topics from them. Plus I have gone through all the standardized testing. I have been in the classes. I know why it's not working. Students are feeling inspired. They start getting behind in grade school or middle school and never catch up. They need to feel motivated, pushed, and feel valued.
3. The audience is my other classmates and group members. Most have been through the public schools and have experienced these feelings and emotions of frustration and apathy. I think I am bringing up things they have noticed with the hope of reform. More and more people cannot pay for college tuition. Trade schools are a way to give these students a start to a career and a college education.
4. I can use this website called  to look at the negative effects of standardized testing.
this is a good article about gifted education:
This article talks about vocational schools and their benefits

So let me know what topic you like, find most interesting, and would coordinate well with the TED speech by Andrew McAfee


  1. First - I would like to thank you for being so specific with your thinking. It is easy to understand your reasoning because you have explained it so clearly. It was almost like you were "thinking aloud," which makes it very clear you were trying to come up with topics that were both interesting and manageable. My only quibble with your entry is your presumption that you could not talk about up-and-coming technologies. I think you can probably learn about anything you want to learn about, don't let not knowing something stop you from learning it.

    However, I also agree that the second specific purpose statement you listed is a good one (it was my favorite too, although I also like the third one). I do not think this topic is too broad, because as you start to search for information you will probably narrow down your ideas to be more manageable.

    A larger concern I have is if this topic is audience-centered? Before I am willing to sign off on this topic, I want you to think through WHY this topic is important for YOUR audience at THIS time. Let me know what you're thinking and let's see if we can kick around some ideas.

    1. Thank you! I really like that compliment about my writing. I like the feeling of conversational writing. Not everyone is a fan.
      I think this speech is audience centered because there are several parts of the speech that can be relatable. This speech could particularly affect education majors or maybe even people looking to go into government. These ideas I;ll discuss each person can try to put into action or affect. This that will effect their jobs, students, or constituents. I think the idea about more trade schools are important. Many of us know how expensive it is go to Miami and some people graduate and are left looking for jobs or working at jobs where they are over-qualified. If they had they had known about the option it may have appealed to them. I know a friend from high school who went to a trade school to learn to weld and was hired right after he finished the program. So he earns a decent pay and started working earlier than others.
      Also in the future these things are going to happen to our children. They have to fight to be employed and hopefully some changes in education can help the future. We will have to adapt to the ever changing economy.
      I really think the idea of thinking creatively and critically are important to these college students. I've had some classes in college where we have helped in designing the syllabus. We have options to write about things we are interested in, choose a movie to analyze, or critically think about a article that is out of our comfort zone. I think these aspects get students more invested in learning. It challenges them to think differently and we need people to reignite curiosity and creativity. I think some people are experiencing this in college and wished high school was more like that. I do at least. It's interesting to be pushed out of your comfort zone. I like being able to put myself into projects. I am a science major, so I often don't get to do that, but I do have a creative side of me.
